Sofia b.

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Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Über Sofia b.

40 Jahre alt | marketing consulting

My name is Sofia. I am Czech origin but I have lived all around the world - from USA, Europe, Asia ( Thailand, Bali) and Australia. I am experienced home exchanger ( yes, I offer my property to :-) ), and this is actually what I love about traveling and staying in someone's home. It gives an opportunity to live as natives do and with respect to their culture also learn about it. I am a mum too and all my travels I do with my kids who are homeschooled. I work on the internet so Wi-fi access is crucial to me even though I can go to some internet cafe as well. As well as my partner works online so it is very easy for us to live all over the world and we all including the kids, enjoy and love it. You are also warmly welcomed in our apartment in the center of the Hradec Králové city with the most beautiful view in this historic small city :-)

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