Laurène b.

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Seoul, Korea, Republic of

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Laurène b.

33 Jahre alt | UX UI designer

Hi every pets lover! I am a pets lover and I recently get back from Canada.

Most of my experience with animal care involves dogs but I love cats,… too! I will be so happy to help with several animals,
During my spare time in Lille I enjoy going to have a walk, get lost myself (even better if I have a dog to care :-) )
I was working as a web designer in a Start up and as a photographer in an analog photography studio in Brussels where I was based before travelling. In Canada I worked for local companies in IT and from 2021 I came back to France for a couple of month to prepare my following travel: South Korea from sept. 2022.
I host many dogs at my family flat during summer time 2022. I also went to a flat where they was a cat and used to spend few hours plays and study. ( through and

Now update from korea october 2022. I'm travelling for the whole year here in Korea.
I'm looking for fixed stay for sometimes: Seoul, Busan or even countryside. It will help me to dedicate this house-sitting time to work on some personal project during my travel, of course pet some animals (also plants if needed!!) and safe money as well. Otherwise i'm gonna spend some volunteer/woofing the rest of the year.

I have time to care about your pets. And really want to invest my time on it and trying to do my best to save money.

I usually go twice a day for the pets walkings. It depends on the pet too if need more time I'm really okay with that.

I speak French, English and some Spanish basics.

Please contact me for any questions!
@uuaalaauu |

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Bereits gebuchte Zeiträume

  • Vom 26/10/2024 bis zum 28/10/2024

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