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Seoul, Seoul, Korea, Republic of

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Charlotte

37 Jahre alt | Executive recruiter | Als Paar/Duo

We are a married couple in our thirties (36 years old), hailing from Europe but currently living the expat life in Seoul, South Korea.

Originally from Switzerland (Guillaume) and the Netherlands (Charlotte), we have a fascination for the unknown and make the most of our time in Asia by exploring as often as we can.

We enjoy the simple things in life the most. Our ideal day includes an early coffee watching the sunrise, a long hike in nature, and an afternoon spent reading a good book.

Guillaume's childhood was a fur-filled frenzy with over a dozen husky sleigh dogs, while Charlotte's been best buds with German shepherds since forever. But truth be told, whether they're covered in fur, feathers, or scales, we love all animals.

While our current life doesn’t allow us to have pets ourselves, we love looking after yours and can’t wait to combine our love for travel and exploration with providing loving care for your furry family members while you're away. We are both non-smokers, morning people, and enjoy staying active and spending time outdoors.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Guillaume, 37 Jahre alt, Architect, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Monica B.

Amlapura, Indonesia - August 2024

These 2 lovely humans were the best choice we could have made. Rez enjoyed their company, especially coffees on the beach. Absolutely delighted to return home to a clean, tidy home and plants still thriving. They communicated openly and promptly. I keep hearing from the local community how friendly they were whilst here. We would highly recommend Charlotte and Guillaume, just hope that they will be available for our next pet/house sit. Thank you both for being so respectful of our home and surrounds, Rez sends a big woof.

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