Ursula P.

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Manchester, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Ursula P.

53 Jahre alt | Language Tutor (German and English) | Allein

My dog Jessy passed away last year, she was almost 16, and the vet said it was a miracle she lived to that age, despite all her health troubles. I rescued her from a troubled home - in fact she adopted me (!), it’s quite an emotional story and I could (I might, in fact) write a book about it!
I treated her like she was the most precious animal in the world -because to me, she was. I think she lived this long because she didn’t want to leave me. :-( I grew up with dogs all my life and am used to being around them. I’ve also looked after friends’ cats and I’m comfortable with them.
The cats in my neighbourhood seem to like hanging out in my garden, although this might have something to do with the birds who like hanging out in my garden also! :-D I’ve never actually owned a cat myself but my ex-fiance’ did and she (Willow) had kittens in his guitar case whilst I lived there, and they were very cute! :-)
I really really love the company of dogs and I also love walking them, I’ve not had another dog after Jessy, as I’m still grieving her loss. I’m new to house-sitting and like the idea of helping people out, as I remember how difficult it was at the time for me, when I needed to go away somewhere, even for just a weekend, to find people who would look after her, especially people who know how to handle animals.
I have zero experience with horses or donkeys, but I would love to learn, if that could be an option!
I’m originally from Vienna (Austria) but have lived in the UK for 27 years. I have taught German and English to both adults and children, and am currently doing a weekly radio show as a volunteer, where I interview musicians and artists from all genres. I’m sociable and like people but I also equally like spending time reading and writing, as well as drawing and card making, and enriching my life by learning new things (such as trying new recipes, or altering clothes). I like the idea of up-cycling and being as kind as possible to the earth, by recycling and mending things, rather than discarding them, if at all possible. I’m conscientious about keeping my household clean and tidy, and so would naturally keep it that way wherever I am. I can provide references on request.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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