Gowri c.

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Los Angeles, California, United States

Über Gowri c.

38 Jahre alt | Journalist

FRENCH (scroll down for English): Bonjour! Je m'appelle Gowri Chandra, j'ai 35 ans et je suis journaliste qui habite à Los Angeles, California. Maintenant je suis à New Mexico—j'ai de la chance parce que je télétravaille, et je peux travaille de partout. J'adore tous les animaux, surtout les chats—j'ai eu un chat, qui s'appellait Monte, et maintenant je continue de faire du volunteering avec des chats sans domiciles.

Je suis responsable, communicative, et je promets de respecter votre maison. Je ne fume pas. Surtout, prendre soin de vos animaux. Comme vous pouvez voir, je parle français parce que je l'ai étudié à l'université, et j'ai habité à Paris aussi. (Mais je parle mieux que j'écris!) Quandmeme, mon anglais c'est mieux, alors mon profil en anglais c'est plus complet. : )



Hi, it's so nice to meet you! My name is Gowri Chandra (feel free to google me—I'm at gowrichandra.com, https://www.linkedin.com/in/gowrichandra, and @gowri_chandra at Instagram, which I've been taking a break from as of late).

I currently live in Albuquerque, NM after moving out here from Los Angeles, CA in the middle of the pandemic. I'm both a journalist who writes about food for magazines like Food & Wine and Conde Nast Traveler, as well as a tech copywriter who's currently blessed to work remotely for a company in SF. Previously, I've worked for Disney Consumer Products, Disney Interactive, FOX, Starbucks, and NFL Network. I have a degree in French Literature from Brown University.

More about me as a person: I love animals, I love to travel, and work affords me the opportunity to do so—so TrustedHousesitters seems like a wonderful marriage of all three.

I was going to do my first house sit shortly before COVID broke out, and life got in the way; after a few major life changes, I am exploring the possibility again, and I am very hopeful to meet good people (and wonderful animal companions!) doing it.

I am an animal lover, despite (or maybe because?) of the fact that I didn't grow up with any pets. I was "not a cat person" for the longest time, but after adopting a cat, Monte, in my early 20's after college, I was a convert. Now my friends joke that I'm the "cat whisperer," because I always make friends with cats wherever I go. The pictures of me are with cats I've met on my travels, and some in my own backyard. The bottommost picture is of Monte, my late

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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