Lydia B.

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Boise, Idaho, United States

Über Lydia B.

36 Jahre alt | Manual Therapist | Allein

I have been living/ working at a Safari camp in Uganda for the past 2 years. I have always had pets growing up and currently own two dogs which I have trained from puppies. While staying at the camp I have trained two dogs from the street and found new homes for them.
I have looked after all kinds of animals, from lizards, birds, rabbits, cats, dogs, horses, chickens to ducks. I am a very calm, relaxed and reliable person. When I am home I love to hike in the mountains with my dogs as well as just sit and cuddle with them. Over the last few years I have also gotten into gardening. I enjoy learning how to grow different types of fruits and vegetables and find it very relaxing.
I am drawn to house sitting/ pet sitting because I am interested in continuing to travel and experience new places in a more relaxed setting with the company of amazing animals.

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