Nicole h.

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San Diego, California, United States

Über Nicole h.

55 Jahre alt | Teacher

Hello. I am excited to see where the next housesitting adventure takes me. I look forward to traveling to new places, creating new friendships, and the opportunity to care for a lot of precious pups as well as many other furry friends along the way.

I am a Physical Education Teacher and have taught K-12th grades as well as community college level sports for many years. I enjoy staying physically fit and prefer to utilize the beauty of the outdoors, especially the ocean, as my gym.

My housesitting experience began when I was moving to another state, and in need of a place to stay, while looking for a new home. I reached out to some friends who needed a pet/house sitter to care for their four dogs, cat, chickens, and fish while they were away on vacation. That housesitting job turned into several more friends needing a house sitter. Four months and several housesitting jobs later, I found a new place to live.

I understand it is a great responsibility to care for other's animals and their home. I am responsible, reliable, and trustworthy. I love caring for animals and keep a tidy house. I will treat your animals and house with great care and respect. I look forward to hearing from you.

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