Leo c.

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Centerville, Ohio, United States

Über Leo c.

23 Jahre alt | Self-employed Artist

Hello! My name is Leo Cutter and I am an 18 year old from Ohio, I recently had to leave my apartment due to personal family reasons and now I currently have nothing but my fiancé, ESA feline, and the clothes on my back. I am also a self employed artist and my fiancé can do most any and all hard labor work. We are both very tidy people and my ESA, Melly, is our only catch. He is a typical tabby feline who has been neutered and is very very good at adapting to new environments including those with other animals including big dogs, small dogs, male and female cats, you name it!

We are looking forward to house sitting for people and being that we are quite new to the job our pricing can be arranged whenever you decide on us to keep your home safe and clean!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Paul, 24 Jahre alt, Freelance Worker, Ehepartner / Partner
Melly*, 5 Jahre alt, Emotional Support Animal, Andere

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