Scott s.

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Scottsdale, Arizona, United States

Über Scott s.

40 Jahre alt | self-employed

Hello there! My name is Scott and am from Arizona. I am self taught in Graphic design, websites, photography, and other several skills all while continuing to learn new things and grow my knowledge. I have recently put in motion my latest project which is called “Start Enjoying Life” where I am traveling the world and encouraging others to Start Enjoying Life. This project focuses on Mental Health and encourages others to Tell Their Story (as well as where I told my story). I have sold everything I own and will be living out of 2 small bags with limited clothes and supplies (very minimal thus not very cluttered). I work from my laptop and will be spending most of my time either working on projects or when time allows for it, I'll sometimes be out exploring/photographing cool and interesting things, meeting new people, and learning about the culture in the areas I'm staying. Along with traveling and house sitting, another thing I plan on doing will be some volunteer work and one of the things I'm really looking forward to is helping out at an elephant sanctuary at some point.

I have been around animals (mainly dogs) my whole life and have always been accepted by other animals. I’ve been around all types of dogs, large and small, young puppies to older dogs, well trained and calm to happy energetic ones as well as service animals. I also talk to dogs, knowing full well that they really don't understand what exactly it is I'm saying. However, from the research I've done it’s good to do for both you and the pet and helps with the bonding from human to animal.

I’ll be traveling all over via planes, trains, boats, etc… and LOVE to ride a bike so if you have one I'll be on that a lot ;)

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