Regina f.

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São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil

Über Regina f.

68 Jahre alt | Psychologist

I am a woman in my sixties and very healthful. I'm a psychologist working by internet. Thus I work at home or wherever I am. I live alone in my own apartment but, in the past, I had a big house. When I was married, I lived in a little farm with my ex-husband and our children, raising horses. I love travelling inside Brasil or abroad. Meeting different cultures and new friends make me feel very happy. I consider I am very confident and responsible. Pets are my passion. I raised dogs, cats, birds, rodents and fishes with my son and daughter, who are married now and living with their families, my five beloved grandchildren. I use to take care of their pets when they ask me to, specially my daughter 4 cats: Lua, Mia, Foguinho and Fênix. I am an organized woman keeping the house cleaned. I am not a smoker. I do not drink. I have a valid passport. If needed I can provide the international driving license card. If asked, I can also provide you with letters of recommendation. My profile in Instagram is: @psicologareginafernandes Hope to have the opportunity to be healpful to many lovely pets throughout the world, and specially in your lovely country.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch

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