Agne d.

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Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

Über Agne d.

41 Jahre alt | Civil service

European on a slow, long term trip through SE Asia. I am originally from Lithuania but lived for a long time in the UK, where I did various office jobs for the last few years, and now I have taken some time off to travel. I am a very tidy, careful, reliable person and I enjoy looking after animals, homes, gardens and plants. I have sat some houses in Edinburgh, UK, where I lived for quite a long time (mostly renting my own place, but, occasionally, also house sitting. I have had a number of pets myself when i was growing up. As an adult I've not been able to have pets of my own yet due to having to rent and move, but I love animals and i enjoy helping people out to look after their pets. The pets I have had and looked after have been: dogs, cats, budgies, fish, laboratory rat. I would be willing to look after other animals also. I know the basics of plant care (house plants, vegetables, fruit trees, flowers) that i picked up, again, back at home helping my family to look after their summer house, and I am a tidy, careful person in the homes I am staying.

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