Jessica l.

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Topsham, Maine, United States

Über Jessica l.

49 Jahre alt | Teacher

Hello my name is Jessica. I’m an avid pet lover and traveler and responsible home owner. I have been a full time elementary school teacher for 15 years with a great record of ability and success. I started off as a teacher in NYC, but now I teach and live in rural Maine. I am not afraid of getting my hands dirty with outdoor chores involving yard work and pets. I am a non smoker, I own my own house, take care of a large garden and I enjoy doing my own renovations and work on my home. I have cared for my neighbor’s properties and their pets and can offer good references from them. I am sensitive to the needs of elderly animals and the distribution of medication to them, due my own pets living long into old age with many health issues, I always travel each year, but with owning a home now, I must be more economical. House sitting abroad is a perfect solution. I am very environmentally conscious and clean. I tend to travel alone so it would just be me tending to your home’s needs, I have been to many places, but France is my favorite. I prefer the countryside but being close to a town with some amenities and I love being outdoors in all weather. I speak some French and a tiny amount of Italian. I look forward to experiencing your part of the world with an interesting home-sitting job this summer.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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