Gena C.

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Clearwater, Florida, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Gena C.

74 Jahre alt | Paralegal (Retired)

I have been petsitting since 2012. I have pet sat internationally (in Mexico and UK) and enjoy it. I have all top ratings for the care given to pets and leaving the house in perfect order. I take this very seriously and always try to follow the owner's instructions so the pets are happy and in their usual routine. Gives me an opportunity to see a new area for a longer time period. My husband and I used to pet sit together but he passed away. I now have lots of time to travel and see the world. I was a paralegal for over 30 years and enjoyed the legal profession. I do volunteer work in my community, am active in a photography club, and also had a meet up group with 100 members. I am President of Friendship Force International - Florida Suncoast and have been a member since 2017. I am well organized, trustworthy and ethical. I have friends almost all over the world and my goal is making new friends and promoting world peace. I can provide many references. I have not used Nomador yet so have no references, but I have worked with other pet setting sites where I have my references.

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