Caryn h.

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West Palm Beach, Florida, United States

Über Caryn h.

45 Jahre alt | Teacher

Hi! My name is Caryn. I love nature and animals and am quite easy going and content to spend time by myself. I love hiking, spending time outdoors, cooking, and curling up with a good book. I am a calm and compassionate person and am quite easy going and content to spend time by myself.
I have been nomadic for 10+ years, and love the company of animals.
I grew up on a small farm, among many animals, including cats, dogs, goats, chickens and emus. I was trained to care for them and taught to always put them first. Being in such close contact with animals, I gained the kind of knowledge and empathy that lasts a lifetime.
I have been housesitting since college, when I was entrusted with the care of a dozen greyhounds on an estate in Italy. Since then I have continued to housesit and take care of animals, not only throughout the US, but also in France and Germany.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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