Tom h.

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Kirk Michael, Isle of Man

Über Tom h.

28 Jahre alt | Security Engineer

This is a joint account for me (Tom Hewitson) and my girlfriend, Kirsty Richardson-Hall. I'm 23 and an Electrical Security Engineer and Kirsty is 22 and a Corporate On-boarding Consultant (yes, it's as boring as it sounds). We are both from the Isle of Man, a tiny island in between England and Ireland. We both love food (like, really love it), reading and exploring and we both have a good sense of humour. Overall we like to keep busy and active, but if we have free time I'm either gaming or mountain biking and Kirsty is either weight training or having a bubble bath. We handed in our notices at work so we can do something different and experience some of the world and we cannot wait to see what happens!

We've joined Nomador because we want to experience it all on our travels! We're also members on Couchsurfing and we're going to try hostels and any other way to travel around Europe, but Nomador in particular calls to us because we like the idea of being settled in an area for more than a couple of days.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Kirsty, 27 Jahre alt, Corporate On-boarding Consultant, Ehepartner / Partner

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