Mark b.

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Ballasalla, Isle of Man

Über Mark b.

Photographer, writer & yoga teacher

My name is Mark Boyd.
I am 40 years of age and from the Isle of Man, a tiny island between Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England, in the middle of the Irish Sea. Things changed for me/us when my beautiful wife was diagnosed with breast cancer during February 2011. Sadly my lovely lady, Amanda, lost her battle with cancer two years ago. Since then I have travelled.

For 15 years I was a financial advisor, but now I am a yoga teacher, professional photographer and writer. Six months after Amanda's passing I travelled throughout India (picking up our trip where it was cut short due to the return of cancer), Nepal and Alaska. I returned to the Isle of Man working on various photographic commissions and projects throughout the days and holding yoga classes in the evening. I then went to Cardiff in Wales to help two dear friends launch a new business.

I'm not to bothered about remaining in any one place. As a photographer and writer the more places I live the more photographic opportunities arise. The outdoors are my playground.
I love to write, trek, photograph, surf, wakeboard, snowboard, camp, fish, play guitar, practise yoga and meditation along with many other sporting activities. At the moment I am travelling South America until mid March 2016. I am learning Spanish as I travel.

What do I need? Not a lot really. Good internet access and small motor vehicle or bicycle is all I need. I've cared for properties belonging to friends and family over the past couple of years along with plenty of Couchsurfing. I have also worked on farms and have a good relationship with animals, plants and the outdoors in general. I have cared for both cats, dogs and various animals. I love the countryside, rivers, forests, mountains and valleys.

Recommendations can be provided upon request. Though you can find plenty about me via the links below.

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