Natalia b.

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Los Alamos, New Mexico, United States

Über Natalia b.

59 Jahre alt | High school teacher

We are a couple in our fifties. I am a high school teacher (lucky to have a long summer break), and my husband is a software engineer who can choose to work from home for a couple of months a year. Since our children have left home, we are traveling every summer, with my husband attending a couple of business conferences in Europe in June, and spending the rest of the summer exploring different parts of Europe.
We love both - cats and dogs, though at this time we only have fish at home. My husband adores dogs so much that he finds time to go and volunteer at the local animal shelter on the weekends. He'd love to adopt one, but due to his extensive business travel schedule it doesn't seem to be possible for us to do so now. He used to be a proud owner of a poodle. Over the last 2 decades we also owned 2 cats. Combining our summer vacation with taking care of pets seems like the best idea!
We have a beautiful garden of flowers, fruit trees, grapes and berries, and I have a true "green thumb"
which helped me to establish this garden from scratch - 15 years ago when we just bought our home. My husband is responsible for the health of our lawn - cutting the grass, raking, etc., so that the whole backyard is looking very beautiful and welcoming.
He is also excellent in taking care of all house needs, so that our home is always in great shape. Of course, I take care of keeping the house clean.
We love staying in one place and having relaxing rural holidays during our summers.
We will need to have a good WiFi available, since my husband is planning to work from home during our stay.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Michael, 61 Jahre alt, Software engineer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Russisch

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