Liz M.

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Los Angeles, California, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Liz M.

36 Jahre alt | Radio Producer | Allein

~*~About Me ~*~

Hello! I'm a radio producer from California. I've been house and petsitting for about two years now, while working remotely!

A little bit about me: I love to cozy up with a book, or an old film, and and take long walks. I've also lived with medium and large dogs for years, and basically became their second mother -- so I know how to handle your nervous/anxious/aggressive pets! I used to run an online vintage and plant store, so your plants are also safe with me.

Please feel free to check out my Rover (a pet-sitting app) profile:

And my profile on

I have traveled extensively and lived abroad before, in Khon Kaen and Chiang Mai, Thailand, as well as Beijing, China. I speak Chinese, Thai, and Spanish. I've been fortunate to be able to travel for work and meet people who are very unique in what they do all around the world: I've gone scuba diving with a man who tended his own underwater seahorse garden, searched for hidden graves on a remote Indonesian island, and spent a year reporting from a San Francisco high school.


I have been pet-sitting on a very frequent basis for the last two years. I also lived with two (much loved!) dogs in the recent past:

Ollie, a medium 40 lb Shepherd mix, had a friendly temperament but high prey drive. On walks, we would usually avoid other dogs so that she wouldn't get leash aggressive and disturb other dog over.

Bubs, a large 60 lb Shepherd mix, was nervous and anxious, and needed a lot of medical attention. He was socially reserved with other animals, but good with humans. He could be jumpy, and sometimes too excitable, but responded well to firm commands and handling. Because he didn't always respond well to other dogs, when dog-walking, I would cross the street or go maintain a safe distance to avoid any disturbances.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Chinesisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Corinne V.

Attard, Malta - November 2023

Liz was a great pet, plant and house sitter. She sent me daily photos and I could tell my cats were happy and being well taken care of. The flat was spotless when I returned and even my neighbour commented on how friendly she was and that she never made any noise. Having overlapped by a couple of days before I left, I know she is soft spoken, caring and she takes whatever she undertakes to do very seriously. I highly recommend Liz to care for your pets when you go away next. They'll be in very good hands!

Daniela J.

Milan, Italy - November 2023

Liz was an absolute dream — I recommend her unconditionally and enthusiastically to pet- and home-owners around the world. She was professional, kind, warm, and enthusiastic from our very first interaction digitally until the moment she left the house after her stay, and she was extremely devoted to my cats, who I returned to find happy and healthy. She left the house in an immaculate condition. Thank you, Liz, for everything!

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