Kylie s.

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Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States

Über Kylie s.

28 Jahre alt | Veggie Farmer

Bonjour! My name's Kylie, and I'm an American traveling in France for a year. I'm on a journey visiting and working with farms and homesteads across the country, learning about various sustainable agriculture practices. I'm the creative type, a lover of music, art and cooking delicious and beautiful meals. I do my best to live a low-impact lifestyle and have a deep appreciation for exploring nature and getting to know new communities.

What I get out of house sitting is the opportunity to create a space of peace and tranquility, with the luxury of being stationary after being in motion for extended periods of time. Most of my traveling is spent working in gardens and on other physical jobs, so I truly savor the privilege to house sit and rest my body, all of course in the company and snuggles of adorable furry friends.

Back in the States I provided a pet sitting service, from walking a client's dogs while they are at work to staying in a client's house while they are out of town. I also worked at a doggie daycare center for several years, so I am very comfortable taking responsibility for other people's animals.
Throughout my time in France I've had many experiences living and working in other people's homes and have become quite accustomed to adapting to the needs of the pets, houses and gardens.

When I house sit I always love to send picture updates filling you in on your pet's activities and moods of the day. I'm happy to tend to your garden as well as any other necessary maintenance to the house or land.

I have references available from previous house sitting jobs upon request.

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