April g.

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Wichita, Kansas, United States

Über April g.

23 Jahre alt | Barista

Hello! I'm a college student looking for the best way to travel the world at a low cost! I absolutely adore animals, especially dogs. Right now, I have an Akita (110 lbs), a cat, and a parakeet! I volunteer at the local humane societies, socializing and walking dogs in my hometown and in my college town. My family and I have hosted two exchange students, one from Spain and one from Italy, who I visited on my own last summer! I'm wanting to travel through Europe and visit new places during my breaks with them. I'm very close to fluent in Spanish, and am attempting French and Italian. I have house sat for families in my hometown, taking care of their pets as well. I feel that I have a very trustworthy, kind, and ready to learn personality which has built many strong relationships with authoritative figures and peers in the past. Therefore I am open to any questions you may have and absolutely cannot wait to meet you and potentially take care of your wonderful furry friends! :)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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