Lisa wedow

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Michigan City, Indiana, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Lisa wedow

41 Jahre alt | Remote therapist | Als Familie

I just turned 40. I am a single mother of 2 girls, Brooklyn and Tommi, ages 11 and 3. My son passed away from SIDs in 2020 at 7 months of age. In honoring his memory, I have decided that one should never delay happiness. For me, happiness is my children, traveling and caring for animals. Animals are wonderful because they love you unconditionally. I am a psychologist and work remotely. I also grew up on a farm, surrounded by dogs, cats and livestock. I am outgoing, extroverted and a natural helper. I enjoy exercising, the outdoors and traveling to new destinations. My daughter and I have set a goal for ourselves in which we will plan trips to all 50 states, Although not fluent, I do understand Spanish. I hope to include my kids in these housesits as often as possible. I am blessed to have family who will help with childcare when they cannot attend.
I feel that this opportunity is one that will be both enjoyable and beneficial for me and my family. I am able to continue to work if necessary and am truly blessed with two of the most courteous and kind hearted little girls one could ever hope to encounter. I am honest and take direction well. I will reach out with questions if ever in doubt. I am genuinely looking forward to meeting people and making connections/friends that will last a lifetime.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Brooklyn, 12 Jahre alt, student, Kind
Tommi, 3 Jahre alt, N/A, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



Platteville, United States - März 2023

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