Pfammatter l.

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Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland

Über Pfammatter l.

32 Jahre alt | student

Hello everyone,

My name is Linda and I am a 27 years old woman from Lugano, a trustworthy and reliable person that would love to take care of your animals and houses ;) I will look after your pets and home as they are my own.

I love animals and I am also vegan. Unfortunately at the moment I do not own any, so I cope by chasing dogs and cats around to pet them!

After graduating and working for three years as a social worker last august I quit my job to travel. So far I travelled through Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Armenia, Cyprus, Iran, Turkey, Northern India, and Sri Lanka.

While housesitting I will spend my time finishing up my travel diary and completing a few assignments for a master course I am taking in theology. Therefore, I will mostly be at home. I also have plenty of hobbies, including hiking or generally being in the outdoors.
I also love running. Being always on the move and due to certain cultural norms in the countries visited I don't get to practice a lot these days! If your dog is fit and you are comfortable with it, I would love to jog with him or her and explore the surroundings at fast speed:)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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