Renee j.

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Bend, Oregon, United States

Über Renee j.

47 Jahre alt | international programs

I LOVE cats and dogs and all animals. I am very active and love to go for runs and hikes. I work remotely so I will be home all day with your pets, besides when I take them out or get out for a run or exercise, as often as instructed by the owner and I pay attention to the pet and adjust my speed and distance to what is best for them (walk vs jog vs run, distance, length). I LOVE to cuddle and give lots of attention to any pet.
I work for US Forest Service International Programs, helping other countries with disaster management and forest sustainability, and I am a wildland firefighter and respond to fires and incidents in the US; I have worked for the same employer 18 years. I don't drink (very rarely/occasionally some wine with a special dinner) and no drugs of any kind. For my employment I undergo regular background checks and drug testing, and also have high level security clearance which requires clean record and history, and I am very responsible. I also have done volunteer work and community service. I am VERY neat and clean, and I will take care of someone else's home as if it were my own. I work a lot, but can I work remotely from anywhere when I am not out of the country or on a fire assignment. I own my home in Bend, OR, and have excellent reviews on airbnb and other sites as an excellent 5 star guest and host. I also am a 5 star pet sitter on I can follow any rules or particularities about your home or pets. I like to be healthy and active, I love running and hiking and walking, and will be able to accomodate pets who need lots of exercise or just a little or anywhere in between. here are links to my profile and reviews, airbnb reviews of me as a guest, and facebook page. If you don't have accounts or can't access, I can send copy/paste summaries of reviews, which are all excellent, I take pride in going above and beyond to be an excellent pet sitter and guest, as I appreciate the same from guests in my home who have all been so respectful!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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