Debbi s.

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Whittier, California, United States

Über Debbi s.

34 Jahre alt | Freelancer

Hello! I'm a solo traveler who is passionate about exploring new countries, hiking, and volunteering with animals in my leisure time. I absolutely LOVE animals and hope to have a career with them someday around the world, so I welcome any and all pets! I've dogsat and housesat before in New Zealand for about a month and absolutely loved the experience.

I am a freelancer who will be working in my free time while housesitting as well (mostly writing, editing jobs). I'm from California but am usually traveling the world most of the year - I've been to 75 countries. I will be traveling to Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Bali, and Eastern Europe this year.

I love meeting new people, exploring the outdoors and finding new hiking trails, and eating around the world - food is also one of my biggest passions in life. I look forward to housesitting for you!

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