Tiffany M.

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Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Tiffany M.

48 Jahre alt | Legal Assistant | Als Paar/Duo

Hi! My name is Tiffany. I am a professional woman living and working in St. Paul, Minnesota. Myself, and my work partner Hemingway (Hemi), a 3.5-year-old male St. Bernard, are experienced house and pet sitters. Hemi is my world, so I know the anxiety of trying to find a trustworthy, dependable, and loving person for your fur babies. If you are looking for a competent and authentic individual who will treat your best friends like you do, look no further!

Hemi and I are the paw-fect companions for your four-legged family members. Hemi is my sweet, gentle, and well-socialized giant. He is an easy-going guy who likes dogs, cats, and ice cream cones. We are happy to stay at your home and provide you with the reassurance that your loved ones are secure in their own environment, with their normal routines.

In addition to caring for your pets and plants, we will also collect your mail, handle the trash/recycling, manage snow removal (Hemi's favorite chore), and we'll even tackle special cleaning projects! Your house will be left in excellent hands and paws. We know you may have reservations about excess fur and drool in your home, but we always clean up after ourselves - you won't even know we were there!

I'm happy to answer any questions you may have and can provide references upon request.

Message me today if you're interested in my services. I look forward to hearing from you!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Hemingway, 4 Jahre alt, Best Friend, Andere

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