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Platte City, Missouri, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Annie

72 Jahre alt | Retired from a Major University | Als Paar/Duo

I retired early from a major University. However, for me, retiring is hard to do. I enjoy communication and meeting new friends. I am also experienced in property management and supervision.

I have had house sitters and have been a house sitter and property manager for many years. Staying organized is key to any type business or personal achievement. I am into natural health, yoga and traveling. My husband and I have a home in Canada and in Florida. His is an inspirational writer and artist. Since we are both health nuts, we do not smoke or drink.

I grew up on a large farm in Georgia. My passion is animals. So taking care of pets is a joy. I always had dogs and cats. They all lived to be very old because I took very good care of all of them. As well as spoiling them as much as possible. I enjoy all other pets of my friends and family. They always love to see me and get lots of love and petting. I have rescued dogs in the past and rehabilitated them. This is an enjoyable experience.

I am currently looking for a house sitting or pet sitting job with accommodations for a month or longer.

If you are looking for an honest, trustworthy person to help you with your pets and your home, then I am looking forward to helping you with your house sitting needs.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Laurence, 74 Jahre alt, Inspirational Author, Ehepartner / Partner

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