Andrena d.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Über Andrena d.

60 Jahre alt | Sales Manager

Greetings home owners. I’m a sales manager in a small publishing company in London, with a son at university and a whole new stage of life opening up for me. I’m keen to take advantage of my ability to work remotely by leaving the grey of London for some beautiful Mediterranean sunshine, combining a taste of life in other cultures with caring for your home and pets.
I am new to house sitting but having run a home with pets (sadly passed away now) and raised a family, I would treat yours with the same care, respect and attention to detail. I am conscientious and will ensure your pets and home are looked after just as you wish. I would be happy to supply work, character and dog sitting references for your reassurance.
I'm hoping to find long term opportunities (good wifi is essential for my work). Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you feel I would be a good fit for you.
Update: I have now completed my first house sit, five weeks in Italy this summer and I am currently on my second house sit in France! Please see the review the home owner in Italy has left for me via the link below (please scroll down on my profile page):
With thanks

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