Monica h.

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Cincinnati, Ohio, United States


Über Monica h.

46 Jahre alt | Auditor

Hello! My favorite thing about house sitting is the opportunity to meet new animal friends. I have personal experience with special needs cats (deaf, blind, medications, diet, and subcutaneous fluid administration). I enjoy sitting for my friends' and family's dogs and cats. I have fostered and volunteered with the SPCA where I was trained in animal handling. I will make sure that your fur babies get plenty of pets and playtime.
Also, I have 100% remote job which frees up my schedule to be available for longer stays.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Melissa a.

Cincinnati, United States - August 2022

Monica was great! I couldn't have asked for a better house/pet sitter. Prior to the visit, she asked a lot of questions which made me feel at ease. She let me know when she arrived at my house and kept me informed throughout the stay. She sent me pictures of my cats every couple of days. When I returned I inspected my home and things were in place as I had left them. Thanks Monica! I'll be sure to call again :)

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