Jules e.

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Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Über Jules e.

54 Jahre alt | Criminal Investigator

I just had a birthday (I also like to refer to it as ‘leveling up’ to 50...feels like a bonus achievement lol) and have decided to give this membership to Nomador to myself as a treat. I have embarked on my ‘second life’ and have been very open to anything that comes my way, however, I also enjoy creating opportunities where I can learn from others or from an environment unfamiliar to me. I have chosen this new path with house sitting for these reasons but also many others. I am a life-long learner and have returned to college to explore a different path and pursue new passions. Over the next year and a half, the majority of my studies will be online and I am going to wander the world whilst doing so. Since 2016, I have worked as an investigator for a non-profit that researches and investigates cases of incarcerated individuals claiming innocence. When not on location, 80% of this work is undertaken remotely. This affords me the luxury and blessing of choosing where my ‘office’ shall be. My love of volunteer work throughout my life has been demonstrated since my teen years and I continue this wherever I go. It is one of the things I look forward to doing in countries I visit whether home sitting or just planting myself to study in a new locale. Animals have been a part of my life since I was brought into this world and I really love the possibility of taking care of yours while minding your home. I am also in the unique position of having 24/7 advice from a Veterinarian whom I also call sister. I look forward to making friends through this experience and serving you and your family well.

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