Chishala m.

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Hoensbroek, Limburg, Netherlands

Über Chishala m.

38 Jahre alt | Graduating Student (Technische Bedrijfkunde)

I am a student currently doing my graduation internship in Eindhoven with VDL ETG. I settled for house sitting because I like the idea of having some responsibility and I can have a feel of living in that area while I look for a place of my own. I do not know where I will settle for work nor if I do want to stay there with VDL.. Moreover, in between finding jobs, I would like to have a feel of different house scapping ideas.. You know... Like convinience of room setups and so on..

I grew up on a farm and I'm a huge animal and nature lover. I do not mind traveling no more than an hour to Eindhoven at this moment but can also depend on the agreement with owner. I will not claim to be trusting, I leave this to you to judge upon our first encounter (although a day is not enough) and the feeling you will get. However, if in need of additional documentation to prove my identity, please feel free to email me.
I am at this moment looking to house sit in the Netherlands.

Well, those were my ''few'' words. ????????
For now, see you when we meet, if we meet!!!

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