Sebastjanas v.

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Vilnius, Vilnius County, Lithuania

Über Sebastjanas v.

41 Jahre alt | DevOps Team Lead / Coach


I’m Sebastian. Trustworthy, flexible, reliable and active digital nomad. For the last 15 years I was working in IT as Sysadmin/DevOps and DevOps Team Lead. Recently after the company restructure I’ve left the company and am now taking the sabbatical to relax, learn and build my coaching career (I’ve started neuroscience coaching training in September). I have enough savings to sustain for a couple of years, hence I’ve decided to spend the next half a year reading books, learning and building my coaching career. :)

Travelling thirst was always in my blood. I’ve visited lots of Airbnbs and took care of them like my own home. Last year I went on my biggest, half of the year, road trip through Europe. I’ve visited 10 countries, lots of new cities and locations. There is a quote “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page” so I’m looking forward to reading as many pages as possible! ;)
I like to spend time at home too - reading, painting and doing yoga.

Since I like exploring new areas and hiking a lot, I spend quite some of my free time outdoors exploring new areas and wandering around. I’m also handy enough to fix things around the house, and also like to take care of the place I’m in to make any place feel like home. I’m very attentive to details and thoroughgoing so you can feel safe and sure - I'll take care of your home and pets as of my own. :)

During my last road trip I've found a cute and super friendly dog Leggo running around while hiking in the National park of Calanques, France. He started to follow me everywhere and I've spent a great couple of hours with him. After returning to the car I've started to search for his family, because there were no people around. Finally, when I knew it was safe to leave him, I've found myself so sad, especially when he was trying to get into my car to go with me. So that was the point when I've decided I wanted a dog. I've thought about getting a dog myself, but I couldn't think of the most preferable way to mix my passion for travel and pets together. Then accidentally while googling for travel tips with dogs I've found a pet sitting and that instantly clicked - travel, explore new places and share my love with pets! :)

Honestly, I'm new here and I don't have much house sitting experience. But I grew up with animals, have cared of friends’ pets and missed furry (or not ;)) friends being around me very much!

I like to feel as much local and

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Russisch

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