Jon-patrick c.

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SF, California, United States

Über Jon-patrick c.

31 Jahre alt | Business Strategy Manager @ Apple Inc.

Hello! We are JP and Vivian! We are in our mid twenties currently live in San Francisco, CA and working in tech.

JP grew up on the east coast of the United States just outside of Philadelphia, PA. Growing up JP did not have the experience to travel to many destinations, particularly international. He attended university at Penn State and graduated with a degree in Supply Chain & Information Systems in 2015. Upon graduation he moved out to San Francisco where his eyes were opened to the world! He has spent the last 5 years traveling to China very frequently and have definitely been bitten by the travel bug!

Vivian also grew up on the east coast of the US, just outside of Washington, DC. Vivian attended the University of Maryland and graduated with degrees in Finance and Accounting. She moved out to San Francisco after graduating to explore a different part of the US. She grew up traveling to China to visit family members, and found a passion for meeting people from all over the world and learning about their cultures. She also grew up with two dogs who she loved dearly -- Combining the two interests through housesitting was the perfect match!

Our goal is to travel across each country in Europe starting in June 2021. Housesitting seems like one of the best ways to get a deep cultural experience while managing accommodation costs at the same time. We are both animal lovers and not afraid to get our hands dirty when needed! We both grew up with dogs in our family and many other pets at the homes of our childhood friends and family. JP has 3 years of experience in landscaping from working maintenance at a golf course in high school.

We are both hardworking and respectful of other's property and animals. Currently we are looking for shorter house-sits that will allow us to gain more experience and trust within the house sitting community! We would be thrilled and honored to oversee any property or animals that are needed!

JP & Vivian

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Vivian, 30 Jahre alt, Strategic Finance @ Uber, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Chinesisch

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