Maya z.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Über Maya z.

42 Jahre alt | Supply Teacher (primary school)

Hi there! I'm Maya from Slovenia and I live in New Cross/Peckham area. I studied marketing and also finished PGCE (postgraduate certificate in education) at London South Bank University. I'm now working for an agency as a supply teacher across primary schools in South East London.

In Slovenia I grew up with a dog and a cat, in the countryside, and here in London I miss the company of pets a lot. I do some sitting occasionally, so that helps! I miss our dog Orri and cats Bucko and Rissa, who are all back home at my parents. I just love spending time with pets, I love cats and dogs equally - really can't decide if I'm a cat or dog lover, I'm both :)

I want to offer the best care for your pets! You can trust they are going to have great time and will be walked and spoiled a lot! Will always make sure the pets are clean and their fur is brushed or administer any medicines if necessary.

P.S. I had a dog, a Beagle named Otti (together with my previous partner who now takes care of him back in Slovenia), I went to puppy school with him and learned a lot about training dogs. Pets trust me and I can communicate with them easily and understand their needs.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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