Kaela c.

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Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

Über Kaela c.

26 Jahre alt | Volunteer

We’re a couple who love to travel and make new connections. We love to eat good food and are obsessed with coffee (Chaz is the coffee connoisseur and Kaela is the happy sipper). We have a lot of experience caring for multiple animals (mostly cats and dogs, but also farm animal experience). Kaela is newly graduated, an Ancient Classics Major who loves history, rocks, and museums! Chaz currently works at Stanley buts dreams of owning a coffee shop and creating equal opportunities for community building and education; he loves sea food, philosophical quandaries, politics, and anime.
We both have had multiple experiences volunteering and being members of community-focused team building and in leadership. Chaz is a minimalist and likes to stay organized and Kaela spearheads cleanliness and maintenance.
We love exploring, outdoor activities, audiobooks, rainy days and being of service to others.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Chaz, 29 Jahre alt, Work, Ehepartner / Partner

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