Emmanuele l.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Emmanuele l.

36 Jahre alt | University Lecturer

Hi! My name is Mani. I am new to house-sitting, but have been travelling for over a decade and have visited 25+ countries in three continents.

I'd love to keep a pet but can't as I move around often for work. However, I am lucky to have been brought up around animals, including dogs (big and small), cats, and even geese, chickens, lambs and a goat (my parents live in the countryside).

For a living, I teach English and Sociology at university. I am currently teaching online.

I love looking after animals and know how to take care of common pets such as dogs and cats, but I am happy to look after other kinds of animals too, if you can show me how. Likewise, I love the outdoors and nature in general, and will willingly tend to your garden, provided it does not require high levels of farming skills (as that would go beyond my capabilities).

My travel experience has endowed me with a spirit of adaptation, so I won't mind if your place does not have air conditioning or all manners of comforts. I also don't mind staying in the countryside by myself.

Besides travelling and nature/animals, I like sports, photography, cooking, and making music.

I speak fluent English, Italian, conversational Mandarin Chinese, and basic Spanish. I also speak a little bit of very basic 'tourist French'.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Chinesisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Übertrifft die Erwartungen

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Antoine b.

Saucats, France - Februar 2023

Nous avons été ravis du home-sitting de Mani. Outre le fait qu'il est très sympathique, il nous a donné régulièrement des nouvelles du foyer, a été très attentifs à nos animaux et à notre maison. Nous le recommandons sans aucune réserve et serions ravis qu'il s'occupe à nouveau de notre foyer. Thanks a lot, Mani !

Monique F.

Migné-Auxances, France - Januar 2023

Mani est un excellent home-sitter. Il est sérieux et donne régulièrement des nouvelles de la chatte que nous lui avons confiée. Il entretient parfaitement la maison, arrose les plantes et suit à la lettre les consignes. Si il a un doute ou une question il n'hésite pas à prendre contact avec nous. Nous avons entièrement confiance en lui et le recommandons pour un séjour court ou long

Coline l.

Marcq-en-Barœul, France - August 2022

Mani s'est très bien occupé de Lune et m'a donné de ses nouvelles régulièrement. Il a laissé la maison propre à mon retour. Je recommande !

Julie b.

Madrid, Spain - August 2020

I totally recommend Mani, he's a really sweet guy and cared for my cat and my home without any issue. He sent me pictures and videos during his stay. He left the house super clean and tidy!

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