Priya v.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Über Priya v.

30 Jahre alt | Editor

Hi! After having travelled around the world the last two years, living in different places and in experiencing different cultures, my boyfriend and I have decided that our desire to travel is not quite over. We are friendly, easy-going and clean people who want to explore as much of the world as possible (before we eventually settle down somewhere). Through this unique platform and community, we look forward to spending more time in one place to fully immerse ourselves in the surroundings.

As we both work online, we can guarantee that we will be home during the week. This means that if you have pets that need looking after, we will be around! We both enjoy being in nature and we also love dogs and cats. I have been an au pair for a year, so I am used to keeping the house tidy!

If you want to know more about us, we would be happy to share!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Auke , 31 Jahre alt, Digital Marketer, Ehepartner / Partner

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