Jolanda t.

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Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

Über Jolanda t.

36 Jahre alt | Owner of a small online business

Hi! We are Tim (34) and Jolanda (31), newly weds and travellers. At the beginning of March (2020) we quit our office jobs and left our apartment in Amsterdam to start an online business (together) and focus on our writing (Jolanda), while seeing more of the world. We are outdoor people who like long hikes, as well as people who like to stay inside drinking tea and reading a book. So basically we enjoy all types of activities that combine very well with spending quality time with your pets :-).

Since we are combining work and travel, we are looking for that homy feeling away from home. That is why we would very much like to take care of your house while you are away. We are both crazy about pets, but since our former lifestyle did not allow us to have pets of our own (spending way too many hours in the office) and our current lifestyle does not either (not having a home and all :-)), we would be very happy to give your pets all of our love and attention for the duration of our stay.

As housesitters we've already taken care of chickens, cats (including kittens) and sheep. But we really would like to look after dogs as well!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Tim, 38 Jahre alt, Owner of a small online business, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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