Helga d.

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Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Über Helga d.

65 Jahre alt | retired as administrative assistant

Welcome to my profile!
I have learned that travelling is not only for the young but also for those young at heart. I am a dedicated animal lover! I have an adventurous and liberal personality with a passion for life, animals and travel, so believe me, after retiring in September 2019, just go play golf was definitely not my intention.
I live in Vienna, Austria and have two sons, both with many and diverse interests. One is attending the TU Wien (Technical University) one has already finished his studies (Skandinavistik).
I am a curious person, eager to learn and willing to help. I would be more than happy if you see me as the person to whom you entrust your home and your pets!
Furthermore, since I am retired I did some "Workaway" journeys (travel and volunteering)

Living like a local is the only way to really experience somewhere new. I want to walk the neighborhoods, visit the shops, meet the locals, and stop to have a leisurely cup of coffee. To me, that is the best part of traveling - even more so than the big tourist attractions.
So I want the experience of living in the neighborhoods as the locals, shopping in their markets, etc. That way you almost feel like you have lived in that country if only for two weeks.

I myself am currently living with two cats. By bringing them into my home I have taken on a responsibility that I am well aware of. When I travel, a pet boarding kennel is out of the question for me. I am lucky that I may choose between 3 people, who take care of my cats as well as of my apartment and the small garden (either one of my two sons or my boyfriend move into my apartment for the time of my absence).
I know how good it feels to enjoy a trip and not have to worry about your beloved pets.

I'm considerate of other people's home and property and understand the value of caring for your pet(s). It would be a honor helping you with your pets, explore the country and culture in which you live, diving into them with an open mind and tremendous passion.
Currently I have 2 cats, 17 and 13 years old. I know how to give them medicine without them minding or even noticing and I can make various dietary foods palatable to them ;-)

Animals have always been a big part of my life.
I grew up with two dogs. Over the years I had 7 cats. Besides dogs and cats, we have had hamsters, birds, guinea pigs, parrots, fish... ...and I took a beekeeping course.

I love long walks which are even more fun with a dog. I was dogsitti

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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