Janice l.

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Bend, Oregon, United States

Über Janice l.

65 Jahre alt | Publisher

I am a retired homebody who loves to travel. The perfect combination for a housesitter. I lived and worked in Austria and Thailand when I was younger, and loved staying in one place for a while and getting a chance to know it well. I miss my dog Mario, who I lost three years ago and so I enjoy spending time with others animals' while travelling. Reading, hiking, snowshoe wanderings, kayaking, cooking, music and ballet and travel are a few of my favorite things! I am a neat, non-smoking, active and responsible.

I co-owned a small publishing company, and worked as an editor, school teacher and then also in the non-profit sector before I retired.

Travel and animals-the perfect combination! I love animals and grew up with cats, dogs, guinea pigs, rabbits, birds, fish and a horse. Now that I've retired and my children have grown, and taken all their (my) pets with them, I love to spoil and enjoy my friends and families pets while housesitting. Exploring the world in this manner allows me the freedom of travel combined with the joy of spending time with the animals I can't take with me. I especially like hiking with dogs, and snuggling and playing with cats. No rats please! ( :

I take pride in taking care of peoples animals, houses and gardens as if they were my own. I am sensible, reliable, trustworthy and handy for small fixes.

I've been house-sitting for a couple of years now for family and friends around the USA, and am looking to housesit around the US and Europe-when it opens up.

I am fully covid vaccinated.

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