Ilona g.

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Lusowo, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland

Über Ilona g.

40 Jahre alt | Pilates & Fitness Instructor

I am now an experienced home & pet sitting person. It's joyful to realize this! It's been 5 years that I am travelling my country and taking care of wonderful animals and different beautiful houses in amazing new places. From old or very old ones (!) to modern flats in cities.
Apart from Polish villages, countrysides and cities, I have one house-sitting experience in Switzerland, where I kept the apartment tidy and happy for 3 months until the owner came back from a great trip to Asia. Most of these adventures happened because I knew somebody who knew the owner, who needed someone :) But two of them happened through a group on a famous social platform. And both are very good contacts still now! We've found more things in common and I am always available to go and take care of their pets and houses again. One of them is the loveliest relationship with a dog I've ever developed. I was there already 6 times! The dog loves me and is very happy every time (I'm just as much!). I teach him sometimes something new or improve something in the house or surroundings. The owner trusts me and we understand each other. I love the place and the Dog! We have good contact with neighbors too. The exchange is fluent and fair. They asked me to come again for a month now but I really need to move to a warmer place... This is WHY I'M HERE :))
I've learned that people have this 6th sense of Intuition and know, at heart, how to recognize a trustful person with pure intentions. I am one of those and attracting similar ones. And platforms like this one are so needed to get us in touch! They give us a chance to extend inter-human possibilities of exchange and make things as simple as they can be.
Here on Nomador I also see well developed instruments for empowering the trust.

At my family house which has been the travel-base for me, we have a small but quite mature cat.
Since have lived in many different houses as a nomad-soul, with little issues at home I am rather handy, clever and fit ( knowing many organic solutions to most household problems). My communication is usually clear and concrete and I appreciate the same. My focus is on solution, not on the problem.

If you need to know something more before, that I haven't written, please ask me.
If you decide to let me take care of your pets & place, we will be in contact as needed and thanks to the technology, I will be able to send you photos of your place and pets from time to time.

I am a personal trainer wit

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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