Melissa r.

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Church Stretton, England, United Kingdom

Über Melissa r.

62 Jahre alt | Civil Servant

We're a semi retired couple living in a rural part of the UK. We are currently renovating our house which is about 300 years old and are now in a fortunate time of our lives that we can take time away to travel and see more Europe. We are looking for short term assignments in Europe, especially, The Netherlands, Italy, France or Spain. We have had cats and a dog for more than 25 years so understand how difficult it can be making sure your pets are happy and well cared for when you are away. We have the maturity and love to look after your pets and provide them with the love, attention and routine they are used to in your absence. We are green fingered and love green spaces. If you have plants, indoor or out that need attention or general light maintenance in the garden, we would also be happy to take this on during our stay with you. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to talk more. We look forward to hearing from you very soon.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ross, 64 Jahre alt, Engineer, Ehepartner / Partner

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