Markus v.

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Riezlern, Vorarlberg, Austria

Über Markus v.

45 Jahre alt | Media Designer and Electrical Engineer

Hello, I am Markus 41), a traveller from Austria.

3 years ago I quit my job (self-employment Media Designer), sold all my stuff and started walking the Camino de Santiago from Berlin to Fisterra (north-west coast of Spain). In Fisterra I stayed for 1,5 years living and working in a pilgrims-hostel. After that I started walking again to southern Spain. Due to Corona I came back to Austria, where I was working during the winter. Since June I am walking again in Austria and Germany, right now I am paddling with a self made dinghy along / on the Danube. The focus on my travels is not the sportive aspect. It's all about being in the nature to find good calm places to meditate and reflect and encounter inspiring humans and learn something new from and for live.

My professions are Electrical engineer (apprenticeship in Austria) and Media Designer (Bachelor FH). I have a wide range of skills in the fields of building and renovating houses, building and maintaining websites, fotography and video-production, cooking vegetarian food, cow-farming, running a hostel, meditation...

I would describe myself as a calm, open and humorous person, who can work concentrated and hard when necessary. I am a vegetarian, non-smoker, no drugs, no alcohol. I don't mind at all when people around me eat meat, smoke or drink - as long as they are not stoned or drunk every day :)

Here I offer my help to take care of your facilities while you are not around. Two years ago I worked in an pilgrims-hostel during the winter also, where almost nobody showed up. So it was more or less house-sitting during a period of 4 month. I enjoyed this time a lot, so I could meditate and write - the things I would do at your place, along with the work you might have to be done.

To all people with an interesting project in the fields of farming, retreat centers or any other social project where I can help - just contact me. I have time from Oktober until next spring. I ask for free accommodation and food as a compensation for my working help (no food is okay for only sitting!)
Please feel free to ask any questions (in german or english).

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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