Ran w.

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Giv'atayim, Tel Aviv District, Israel

Über Ran w.

41 Jahre alt | A professional guitar player and a musician. I'm also a data analyst in a cyber security company.

My name is Ran Weizman, I'm from Israel, and I live in a small city called Givatayim, which is about 10 min driving from Tel Aviv.
For many years, music was my main passion in life. I'm a professional guitar player and a musician, and I play in a few different bands here in Israel.
In the last few years, I've been going through out a lot of big changes in my life.. I started to learn more self grow, and about my inner self and my desires in life which all together lead me to my main passion now in my life - Traveling the world..!
I decided to become a world traveler and explore our amazing world as much as I can, in order to meet wonderful people and experience new cultures.
Other then music and traveling, I also have a big passion for food and culinary, I like to cook and explore new tastes. and animals. I'm a big dogs and cats lover, and I'm really connected to animals and nature.
I'm a very curious person and I really love to learn new things, new skills, and find new knowledge.
I'm a very responsible person. I'm clean and quiet. And I'm friendly and get along easily with new people.
I'll be happy to sit your house, and I can promise I'll do my best to keep your house and your animals safe. You can count on me..!

Cheers :)


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