Tami V.

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Gedera, Center District, Israel

Über Tami V.

59 Jahre alt | Carpentry teacher | Als Paar/Duo

We are a semi retired couple. Tami is teaching carpentry and taking care of our wonderful garden. Philippe installs automatic irrigation systems, repares wooden furniture, and realizes various repair tasks (painting, simple electricity and plumbing ...). We have travelled extensively during the last two years, using mostly the platform "Workaway" where we got recommendations from our hosts. During one of our stays we were requested to house sit for a couple of weeks and take care of the cat and chicken, and, since we love animals (Tami owned dogs in the past, and she also took care of two dogs in the US) we decided to also look for house sitting jobs for our next trips.

Since we're new on the site, here is a copy of one of the recommendations that we got on the workaway platform. You can see other recommendations on the site.
"Tami and Philippe have been among the best workawayers we had . They happily accept any kind of work to be done , they have various skills , in particular they are very good at woodwork . At the mill they did a lot of gardening, painting, work around the house, beside several talented carpentry projects .
In the evening we had pleasant and interesting conversations during the dinner .
At work they were largely independant and diligent .
During their free time they did various promenades around the area that they told us about , in the evening .
As they already visited us twice we hope they will be back a third time .
Meanwhile safe travel to you two and good luck ."

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Philippe, 69 Jahre alt, Installs irrigation systems and carpentry, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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