Saar C.

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Tel Aviv-Yafo, Tel Aviv District, Israel

Über Saar C.

31 Jahre alt | Digital Nomad | Allein

Hey! My name is Saar and I'm a 30-year-old digital nomad from Israel.
I have been traveled on the last 2 years around the world and I planning to come around Europe on that summer (June-August 2023) and for part of the period I would be happy to stay with your little fluffy babies and be their company during my stay in the area :)
I'm an easy going ,responsible, non-smoking, super clean, mature, tidy, respectful and experienced house and pet sitter. I used to do pet-sitting in Israel quite a lot when I lived there and for some reason I only now heard about this great platform. I've raised dogs and cats all my life and there's no doubt that's something I miss so much right now in my time on the road.
If it works out, I'd love to know you better and hear from you via e-mail [email protected] or via WhatsApp with the number +972542565626
Cheers! Saar

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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