Tamie c.

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Biggleswade, England, United Kingdom

Über Tamie c.

49 Jahre alt | Accounts Assistant

Myself and my husband are originally from the UK, for the last 9 years we've been living in Melbourne, Australia as permanent residence, running a chain of health clubs. In January 2020 we left Australia with the intention of travelling Asia and Europe for an extended period. Our grand plan lasted two months when the global pandemic hit and we headed back to the UK to lockdown with family. Now that the world is opening up again we're ready to get back to travelling. My husband is a qualified accountant and I have experience as an accounts assistant, we currently work remotely which gives us the freedom to work anywhere. Outside of work I love "working" in the garden, growing as may vegetables, herbs and plants as our temporary small garden allows. One thing we miss at the moment is pets, growing up we had everything from cats and dogs to stick insects and tortoises, the latter two considerably easier to look after. Most recently we've used Airbnb, where we have an excellent rating and great reviews, to explore the UK. We've found that we really enjoy and are very good at looking after Airbnb accommodation, treating then as we would do our own home. We now want to use our travel experience for house and pet sitting, giving people the peace of mind they need to take a break while we also get to experience new places.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Edward, 51 Jahre alt, Accountant, Ehepartner / Partner

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