Juliann y.

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Pine Bush, New York, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Juliann y.

22 Jahre alt | Nanny/Petsitter

Hello there! I am a high-school graduate from the school year 2020, looking to gain some traveling experience and meet some new people and pets in my gap year till college, and over school breaks.. During high school I worked weekly shifts at an animal rescue where I thoroughly enjoyed building relationships with the animals under my care. Living on my family's organic farm has presented the opportunity to develop a green thumb, and a love of growing things. Now I work as a full time nanny to a family of five (three kids and two dogs) whom I love, and at home I care for my two adorable cats, Cottia and Deirdre.
Though I am young, I have a good work ethic, and can be relied upon to be responsible for whatever is placed under my care. I am a person who keeps to myself and lives a pretty quite life. Much of my free time is spent writing, hiking and biking, drawing and painting, and baking. Housesitting would give me the perfect opportunity to pursue all these interests in the companionship of a new pet. I hope to get the privilege of meeting you and your pet(s), and explore the place you live.
I can provide references upon request. Thank you for your consideration.

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