Sergio & débora

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Vitoria, State of Espírito Santo, Brazil

Über Sergio & débora

44 Jahre alt | Empresário

Couple, Experienced, Responsible and Lover of Animals and Travel.

My name is Sérgio I'm 40 years old Born in Portugal, Married and Resident in Brazil for over 5 years with my lovely Wife, Deborah of 35 Years, Brazilian. We are both entrepreneurs, we work from home, non smokers, we own a house that we take care of with all the attention and dedication, we Love Pets and travel and we have 5 cats and 1 dog that we love.

A few times a year we travel to visit family in Europe, we understand the concern of leaving
our home and our beloved animals with someone we can trust as well as we can, in our absence, keeping all animal routines in the house and so we put our skills at your service to take care of your home and your animals as if they were ours.

This Hosting Model is the most suitable for us, since we are more used to staying in homes than in hotels, as we work from home we feel more comfortable and free for our activities where we are accustomed to the presence of animals near us during the day and that this way we can gather our passions through animals and travel, getting to know new places, people and cultures that otherwise would not be possible.

We are two reliable, caring and dedicated people who will take good care of your animals.
We respect all instructions given about the routine of the animals and the house, entrusted to us.
We are active and taking care of them is a real pleasure.

Feel free to contact us so we can exchange some more ideas, get to know each other better
and create incredible experiences.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Sergio, 44 Jahre alt, Empresario, Ehepartner / Partner
Debora, 38 Jahre alt, Empresario, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch

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