Lyssa W.

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Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Lyssa W.

39 Jahre alt | Strategic Partnerships | Allein

I've been a full time adventurer and pet/housesitter for almost 3 years now. I work a remote job for a children's mental healthcare facility in Pennsylvania, blog about my adventures, and am tinkering with a novel. I am neat, tidy, organized, quiet, responsible, responsive, nurturing, and efficient. I follow directions well, am good with plants, and will keep things running ship shape at home while you're away.

I have all (over 30) 5 star reviews on Trusted Housesitters, and am happy to share references/reviews upon request. You can see my profile/experience there:

I'm a big fan of impressionist art, architecture, exploring local parks/monuments/street art/delicacies/ so I'm hoping to spend some time across the pond before wrapping up this adventure.
I'd be honored to keep your pets company, look after your home, and keep you updated on how our four legged friends are doing.

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