Tessanie s.

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Etchingham, England, United Kingdom

Über Tessanie s.

24 Jahre alt | Civil servant

Hiya, We are a couple in our twenties with a love for travel and exploring. We both had jobs we adored in the travel industry, I was a holiday rep abroad for TUI and Brandon was a trained water sports instructor for Neilson. Unfortunately due to covid we both lost our jobs and started working for the government Instead. As lucky as we both were to find alternative jobs we have realised that office life isn’t for us and we would much rather be anywhere but stuck in an office in rainy England! Due to the uncertain nature of the future of the travel industry we have been saving our pennies and know that house sitting is the best way to be able to see the world for as long as possible without working abroad so would love the opportunity to be trusted with looking after your home and getting a real taste of the culture of the local area. We have both grown up with much loved family pets so know how to look after animals from the smallest rodents to snakes to dogs and cats, As animal lovers we would love the opportunity to also have an extra companion or two to with us when housesitting.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Brandon , 24 Jahre alt, Civil servant, Ehepartner / Partner

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